[PythonCE] graphical libs for pocket pc

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Thu Sep 9 01:19:46 CEST 2004

   >From: "Voidspace"<mike at pcblokes.com>
   >Sent: 9/8/04 5:20:07 AM
   >To: "Scott Jaderholm"<jaderholm at gmail.com>
   >Cc: "pythonce at python.org"<pythonce at python.org>
   >Subject: Re: [PythonCE] graphical libs for pocket pc

   >There are a 
   >*few* differences due to differences in the underlying C libraries that 
   >are specific to the PocketPC, e.g. raw_input doesn't work which makes 
   >interaction with the user virtually impossible unless you use Tkinter or 
   >something 'similar'.

I think it should be possible to do a patch for that. What seems to be needed is a "readline" function for the shell. With that function the input functions should work fine. 

In previous versions there was such a readline function in the pcceshell.py module. But it seems to have been removed in the latest version.

I think it should be possible to implement it again. What was actually used, was the readline with another function that was automatically called (I guess by windows) for each character that was typed into the shell. I think this function was called "onEditChr" or something like that.

If someone is interested you can find these functions in the pcceshell.py, or in the newer pcceshell package in the simpleshell.py module.
I attach the pcceshell in a zip file, for anyone who is interested to look at it. I hope the list will let it through.

I would love to do this myself, but I have zero experience and almost the same amount of knowledge in this area. What I do know is *only* from looking a the source code for version 2.3.4 (found at http://www.validus.com/~kashtan
 ) and at the pcceshell files.

All the best,

   >>Has anyone written PocketPC apps w/ python? Any screenshots?
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