[PythonCE] PySQlite 2.0.5 (sqlite 3.2.2)

DJL djl at ukr.net
Thu Dec 22 08:17:03 CET 2005

Very interesting and congratulations,

I have long time searching for such a thing I was preparing to switch to 
NET platform to dev for pocket pc when missing such tools.

Thanks a lot to submit the binaries and inform me from where to download

Best regards

Giovanni Petrucciani wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>After complaining of not being able to build pysqlite today finally I
>made it work.
>(basically when I found out that a ".pyd" is actually a ".dll" ...)
>Now I have a WinCE 2003 (v4.2) pysqlite 2.0.5 working, backed by sqlite
>If someone is interested I can upload the build somewhere.
>       Giovanni
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