[PythonCE] ImportError problem

Brad Clements bkc at murkworks.com
Thu Jul 7 15:48:22 CEST 2005

On 7 Jul 2005 at 17:38, Mark Doukidis wrote:

> calling all python gurus...
> I have a PythonCE program that loads about 2.5MB of pickles
> (about 10 dictionaries with a total of 20,000 objects)
> that when running uses about 15MB of "storage".

are you using __slots__ ?  That should help a lot with the bloat, that's 
what slots are designed for.

> I have plenty of "free" storage. I have been thinking:

Well, sounds like a lack of runtime memory, so you moved your slider 
over to maximize the runtime memory vs. storage?

> - Are there other "limited" resources I am consuming ?


> - Does PythonCE need to be compiled especially for Windows Mobile
> Second Edition ?

don't think so

> - Does DLL loading consume special resources (me think maybe) ?


> - Do XDAs have special requirements ?


Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com    (315)268-1000
AOL-IM or SKYPE: BKClements

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