[PythonCE] I am looking for Python implementation for iPAQ h2210 (running Windows CE v4.20 on Intel PXA255). Where can I found it ?

Jesse Davis jdavis at wgen.net
Fri Mar 11 16:08:22 CET 2005

Hi Tomasz,

There are binaries & source for Python 2.3 at


The binaries worked for me without pain.  Just decompress the zip file &
copy the directories onto the handheld using Explorer:  the stuff in
"Windows" goes into "\Windows" on the handheld, etc.  I recommend the
pysvr.py that's been posted to this list before -- it allows you to
telnet into the handheld, so you can use the desktop's keyboard. =)

This is what I've done to build from source:  If you haven't already,
download from microsoft.com eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 and the Pocket PC
2003 SDK (assuming that's your platform).  Get the Python-2.3.5 source
from SourceForge or python.org.  Once you've unzipped the directory
tree, get


& copy it over your tree.  Enter the directory


Run PCBuild\WinCE\WCEARM.bat to set up your environment.  You must also
set the environment variables SDKROOT (wherever you installed the SDK),
PYTHONROOT (wherever you installed Python 2.3.x on your machine),
INCLUDE (various arch-specific directories under "Windows CE Tools"),
PATH (add "wherever\Microsoft eMbedded C++ 4.0\EVC\WCE400\BIN"), and LIB
(more arch-specific directories under "Windows CE Tools").  Now, say
"nmake".  If the compiler complains about missing files, find them in
the SDK or Windows CE Tools directories & add those directories to
INCLUDE or LIB.  To build the win32 extensions, get them from
SourceForge, set PYWIN32ROOT to the source directory, & say "nmake all"
(still from the Python-2.3.5\PCbuild\WinCE directory).

(I'm just a noob copying my notes, wiser heads are encouraged to correct

Good luck--

P.S.  Besides running WCEARM.bat, here's my environment:

set PYWIN32ROOT=C:\share\pywin32
set SDKROOT=C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools
set PYTHONROOT=C:\Python23
set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc
2003\include\armv4;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc
2003\MFC\include;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files\Microsoft eMbedded C++
set LIB=C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc
2003\lib\armv4;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc
2003\MFC\lib\armv4;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\WCE420\pocket pc

-----Original Message-----
From: pythonce-bounces at python.org [mailto:pythonce-bounces at python.org]
On Behalf Of Tomasz Widomski
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 7:06 AM
To: pythonce at python.org
Subject: [PythonCE] I am looking for Python implementation for iPAQ
h2210 (running Windows CE v4.20 on Intel PXA255). Where can I found it ?

I am looking for Python implementation for iPAQ h2210 ( running Windows
CE v4.20 on Intel PXA255) Please advice if there is one available ?

Tomasz Widomski

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