[PythonCE] Cross-compiling or DistUtils?

James Burkert james.burkert at gmail.com
Thu May 5 05:05:26 CEST 2005

Hey folks,

Has anybody come across  any kind of distutils for Python? I do have
GCC  to compile with, but its proving very ugly to get the makefile
remotely done right (I don't have much experience with GCC in that
respect) . I'm trying to get numeric for my PPC. I've found a linux
version, but I don't want to be restricted to that on my PPC.

Any hints? Any good HOW-TOs on getting GCC to cross-compile?


James Burkert
Progam Manager, Citizen Explorer I
Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Office: 303-492-1243
Cell: 720-771-4932

My Schedule: https://webcal.colorado.edu/command.shtml?calid=burkert&view=weekview

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