[PythonCE] How tobuild PythonCE 2.5

Naiqian Lu nlu54 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 02:02:58 CET 2006


I have download pythonce source, and try to build it
to generate CAB file, just for familiar with python

What I found out is that Scons will not build. It

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
<type 'exceptions.NameError'>: global name 'defpaths'
is not defined:

the defpaths was used in msevc to get include, lib,
and exe path. But I could not find where it gets
defined (and set).

The old version (2.4.3) use nmake, and set the path in
batch file.

Does the source package for 2.5 missing something? And
where should I set the defpaths?

Thanks in advance!

Happy New Year!

Naiqian Lu

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