[PythonCE] Tkinter in pythonce...

Luke Dunstan coder_infidel at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 7 04:59:33 CET 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stewart Midwinter" <stewart.midwinter at gmail.com>
To: "Rodrigo Contreras Köbrich" <rc at simov.cl>
Cc: <pythonce at python.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [PythonCE] Tkinter in pythonce...

> Rodrigo, no desesperes!
> Where do you have your python located?
> You probably need to add some code that tells python where to look for
> modules. you can do that with:
> sys.path.append('\\SD Card\\Program Files\\Python\\Lib')
> sys.path.append('\\SD Card\\Program 
> Files\\Python\\Lib\\python23.zip\\lib-tk')

This is not necessary because both of these directories are automatically in 
sys.path (just as on the desktop version of Python). If this is not the case 
then it is a bug.

> (of course, change that to the location where your python is located).
> if you put the above into a file called sitecustomize.py in your
> python folder, whenever it starts, it will read this file so you don't
> have to put the code into your apps.

Thanks for the tip. I haven't used sitecustomise.py before but I do use .pth 
files to add my own directories to the search path.

> Inside your python folder, you should have a lib folder which contains
> a pyton23.zip and a _tkinter.pyd. you may also have a
> setup-registry.py, which will edit your registry so that you can just
> double-click on python files to run them.

This is true of the 2.3.4 release but in the latest release the hierarchy 
looks like:

\Program Files\Python\
- python.exe
- python23.zip
- python23.dll
- DLLs\
    - _tkinter.pyd
- Lib\

This is intended to be the same as the desktop version of Python on Windows 
(except for the .zip file).

> You may also want to look around for a copy of osce.py, which gives
> you access to some of the features of the 'os' module on the desktop.
> S

You should already have an 'os' module. Or are there some specific functions 
that it doesn't include?


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