[PythonCE] Prompting the user for information

Joshua Krohse jkrohse at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 18:15:18 CET 2006

  At one point, I had a bit of code example that showed how to pop up a
message box that prompted the user for a string.  I have scoured the web for
this again and cannot find it.  I think it was a win32gui function, but I'm
not sure.

  This may be obvious to long-time PythonCE users, but it certainly isn't to
us newbies.  I can use Tkinter just fine, but I am looking for alternate
ways of getting user input.

  If you know the function I am talking about, would you please share it?
Also, any other methods of prompting for input would be useful.  This would
be a good topic for a PythonCE Wiki page when there is one.


     Joshua Krohse
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