[PythonCE] call scrypt with parameters

Fredy Cabre fredy9 at menta.net
Mon Oct 9 00:00:29 CEST 2006

the problem that I wrote in the previous e-mail is solved with reset of
the ppc. :-)
But now I have another problem. I make a little aplication with a
program (Sprint DB) that allow to send another program with a method
named 'RunApp',

well, I call my scrypt with this metod that have 2 parameters:
Application and Parameters. I put the path of the scrypt in the 

Aplicattion parameter and the scrypt's parameters in the Parameters

but when i call the method give this error:


        'list index out of range'


That mains that the scrypt don't detect the parameters that i send.

What can I do to send the scrypt's arguments correctly?

Thank you.


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