[PythonCE] GUI package for PythonCE

DELATTRE Alexandre alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr
Mon Feb 26 15:19:34 CET 2007


When I began pyhtonce, finding no gui library that is both native and
have a small memory footprint is what makes me look into another way and
port venster. On desktop, I obviously prefer wx, but on my PDA the
dll/pyd are so bigs that even if I succeed in importing it I can import
nothing more.
It's true that Venster is in some point quite low level, sometimes
requires knowledge on Win32 GUI programming, and is not well documented
(Pocket PC sdk help shipped with evc++ is although useful).

Now that the core modules are working I can concentrate on making
VensterCE more pythonic, add degrees of abstraction and write docs on
using it.

The upcoming release, will contains tutorials, a layout mechanism in the
vein of wx/pygtk and unification of dialogs and window
(Now you can make "emulated" modal dialogs like any other window,
whithout using ugly fixed size dialogtemplate or resource in a dll). I
suggest you to give it a try when it comes out this end of week, the
tutorial will show you that the code for a simple window using common
controls that fits to screen is comparable to wx.

As for the menu, for now it works well on Win Mobile 5.0, but not on
Pocket Pc 2003, I hope someone experienced in Win32 C programming can
help me to fix it.

I think that with additional work, vensterce will be the gui library we
need : both native and simple.

Alexandre Delattre.

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