[PythonCE] Building under Visual Studio 2005 for Devices

Luke Dunstan coder_infidel at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 9 16:12:06 CET 2007


Yes, there is no reason why the VS2005 patches build scripts could not be 
part of the PythonCE release.

Target filenames or aliases can be passed on the command line to scons.bat 
just like make. To build the setup .exe use "scons setup". This is mentioned 
in README-WinCE.txt


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Fairbairn" <christopher at christec.co.nz>
To: "'Michael Foord'" <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>; 
<christopher at christec.co.nz>; "'Luke Dunstan'" <coder_infidel at hotmail.com>
Cc: <pythonce at python.org>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PythonCE] Building under Visual Studio 2005 for Devices


>If it is possible to modify the PCBuild8 project files so that Python can 
>built for both desktop Windows and Windows CE then yes, this may well be 
>simplest option. However, if Windows CE would require separate project 
>then I think it would be better to adapt the SCons scripts.

I have had a quick play around with getting a build working using the Visual 
Studio 2005 compilers and have managed
to get a version compiled on my machine via the SCons scripts. It appears to 
be running fine on my PDA.

A brief summary of what I needed to do.

1) Modified msevc.py to change some of the tool names (cl.exe vs clarm.exe) 
and command line arguments as required
for the VS2005 compilers. At present I also hardcoded some of the file paths 
required rather than writing the code to
reliably find them in the registry etc.

2) Tweaked a few conditional compile statements throughout the source code 
(about two or three from memory) due to
the conditional expressions being incorrect due to the use of the VS2005 
compiler during WinCE builds. For instance,
the following condition found within pythonrun.c is now slightly incorrect.

     /* Special signal handling for the secure CRT in Visual Studio 2005 */
     #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400

This condition includes code which is specific to the desktop runtime 
environment (but now evaluates to true due to
me using the same version of the compiler), so ideally it needs a further 
condition added to avoid it including the
code when targeting the WinCE platform with this compiler version.

If I took the time to clean up and complete these patches would there be 
interest in including support for building
PythonCE with Visual Studio 2005?

Christoher Fairbairn

PS: When I ran SCons it built the Python25.dll, Python25.exe and 
Python25.zip files. However it didn't build the cab
file. I notice there is code within the 'SConstruct' file which appears to 
be designed to automate the cab building
process (I manually ran cabwiz.exe on the inf file), how do I run this 

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