[PythonCE] PythonCE 2.5 on a NEC MobilePro 900c?

Christopher Fairbairn christopher at christec.co.nz
Tue Oct 9 04:18:28 CEST 2007

Hi Ron,

On Tue Oct  9 14:07 , Ron Stephens  sent:
>I would like to run Python on my WindowsMobile5 Motorola Q phone but  
>I gave up a yearago when I couldn't get it to  load.
>Maybe I should try the file you offer the link to?

You should definatly try out the version I referenced (pythonce-smartphone on the 
sourceforge downloads page).

Hopefully you will get further along with this build. The core essentials defiantly 
are working. It is still a work in progress though.

One thing I just fixed on my local copy for instance is the 'raw_input' 
implementation, the build I released on sourceforge displays a dialog box which 
can't be dismissed if you are using a smartphone.

I would be keen to hear your feedback. Although I am using it on my Windows Mobile 
5.0 Smartphone I do not have one with a qwerty keyboard, so would be keen to hear 
some feedback on how it behaves.

Christopher Fairbairn

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