[PythonCE] The State of Affairs

Chris & Dawn Kunicki kunicki at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 08:03:03 CEST 2008

First of all, its been really exciting to see all the traffic in this  
forum the last few days, it shows there is a lot of interest in PPC  
and Python. I am new to the Python world, I have been doing a .NET for  
years on the desktop and PPC and I am looking for a better cross- 
platform environment. Python seems to be the way to go. The only hole  
is on the Windows Mobile PPC.

I have downloaded the Python interpreter for PPC and it works. But it  
doesn't feel complete. I don't mean that as a complain, just a honest  
gut feeling about it.

I am curious, who is still actively working on the interpeter itself?

Also, if we are to encourage developers to build solutions that will  
work on the PDA, I think distribution is a problem. The environment is  
workable as a hacker, but if we want to simply the deployment and  
actually ship applications, at this point it seems a bit complex. It  
would be nice if there was a Py2App, or even, something along the  
lines where the solution could be bundled into a directory (not as an  
EXE, just as Python and your application files) for easy distribution.

Really, it would be wonderful to see Python as a solid option  
over .NET on the PDA.

Thanks for your kind attention,

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