[PythonCE] The State of Affairs

alexandre.delattre at telecom-bretagne.eu alexandre.delattre at telecom-bretagne.eu
Fri Jul 11 18:17:05 CEST 2008

> When I was working on PythonCE years ago I had the same concerns.

> I am wondering if Python eggs, easyinstall and setuptools could be  
> put to use for this. Rather than starting from scratch.

> I think easyinstall at least gets you the dependency checking,  
> downloading (non-graphical) and installation. removal is a pain.

Brad, this sound likes a good idea but using these tools would require  
to port distutils to PythonCE first. I gave it a try ~  a year ago and  
while it does not raise particular error it was not working. I  
strongly suspected it has to do with wince lack of current directory  
but was unable to spot the problem exactly. Does someone on this list  
have been able to make distutils works on ce ?

Another option would be to extract or reimplement code for  
installation/uninstall of eggs without distutils dependency. So we can  
still create eggs on desktop with traditional methods and install them  
with PythonCE.

While I won't be able to make a so flexible as  
distutils/setuptools/easy install, I found reimplementing something  
more specific to PythonCE could be really interesting for the purpose  
of learning.

I gonna brainstorm a bit more before making a decision that would be  
hard to revert back.

Anyway, I take this occasion to thank you and others for making pyhton  
possible on wince :)


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