[PythonCE] Help required to send keys for Windows mobile

Nimret Sandhu nimret at nimret.com
Thu Jun 11 19:06:44 CEST 2009

Hi Rajashekhar -

have you looked at the various gui toolkits for pythonce? I believe that's 
what you have to use to accept user input. I downloaded ppygui to my HTC 
mogul and it's working great on it.

I also liked the installer for ppygui but I did have to tweak the folder name 
that I extracted it out to match the name in the install script. you may run 
into this issue depending on which folder you extract the contents of ppygui 
to before running the install script.

Nimret Sandhu

On Thursday 11 June 2009 02:15:32 am rajashekhar v wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I'm Rajashekhar and newfor the Python CE on the windows mobile environment.
> I have HTC mobile and i have installed the PythonCE 2.5 uisng the
> PythonCE.WM.CAB<http://ftp.heanet.ie/disk1/sourceforge/p/py/pythonce/Python
>CE.WM.CAB>from http://ftp.heanet.ie/disk1/sourceforge/p/py/pythonce/.
> I'm writing some scripts on python to invoke particular applications from
> idle screen and send keys to do action related to those keys.
> for e.g When i execute the Python scripit it should open the calendar by
> sending Left Soft Key(LSK) and it has to open Menu if i send Right Soft
> Key(RSK).
> Here, I'm facing one problem related sending the keystrokes, how can i send
> the keystokes from pyton scripts ?
> Any modules which are there for windows mobile, if it is there please
> mention where can i get it.
> **And also I have few source files written in C language to do the above
> functionality, how can I build these to .pyd for *windows mobile
> environment. *
> Any ideas or suggestion please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Rajashekhar

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