[Python.NET] patch to allow for null array references in method calls

Rodrigo B. de Oliveira rbo at acm.org
Fri Jan 2 11:39:11 EST 2004

I've ran into a problem with Converter.ToManaged when trying to call
ILGenerator.EmitCall. EmitCall demands its last parameter (of type
System.Type[]) to be null for non-varargs methods but Converter.ToManager
wouldn't convert None to a null reference.

My solution was simply to move the explicit check for Runtime.PyNone to the
line 186, before the IsArray check:


if (value == Runtime.PyNone && !obType.IsValueType) {
  result = null;
  return true;

     if (obType.IsArray) {
  return ToArray(value, obType, out result, setError);

     if (obType.IsEnum) {
  return ToEnum(value, obType, out result, setError);

Is this correct?

Best wishes,

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