[Python.NET] ANNOUNCE: Python for .NET beta 5 now available

Brian Lloyd brian at zope.com
Tue Mar 29 04:31:14 CEST 2005

Python for .NET 1.0 beta 5 is now available - you can download 
it from: 


Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of Python with the 
.NET common language runtime. For more details, see the README:


The beta 5 release features a refactoring of thread management 
support, making the runtime stable for multi-threaded applications, 
as well as several improvements and bug-fixes.

Special thanks to all who sent in thread-related scenarios and test 
cases! I have tried to incorporate as many of these as possible into 
the unit tests - if you still have problems that you suspect may be 
related to threading or interpreter lock issues, please let me know 

There is also now a mailing list for discussion, questions and 
issues related to Python for .NET at: pythondotnet at python.org.

To subscribe to the mailing list or read the online archives, see:


Brian Lloyd        brian at zope.com
V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716              
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com 

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