[Python.NET] Unable to import library imaplib

Kris Beyers kris_beyers at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 22:31:35 CEST 2007

I'm trying to make a python script (which would be called from a C# application) and communicates with an IMAP server.
Passing variables from C# to python and back is no problem, but when I type "import imaplib" on top of the python script to support IMAP, the script fails to run at line with following code: "func.Invoke(arguments)". Showing error message in the C# developer: "<null reference>".
I also tried to call PythonEngine.ImportModule("imaplib") first, but no change.
Is there a way to import the library? Thank you in advance.
Tip: Just found out about an amazing C# developer http://www.sharpdevelop.net (open source)
try { string imapUser = "kris"; string imapPassword = "a password";     PythonEngine.Initialize();     PyObject[] arguments = new PyObject[2]; arguments[0] = PyObject.FromManagedObject(imapUser); arguments[1] = PyObject.FromManagedObject(imapPassword);     PyObject pyportal = PythonEngine.ImportModule("PyPortal"); PyObject func = pyportal.GetAttr("invoker");     PyObject result = func.Invoke(arguments); this.label1.Text = result.ToString();} catch (Exception err) { this.label1.Text = err.Message.ToString();}
The file PyPortal.py
import imaplib                      #  <-- causes error
def invoker(imapUser, imapPassword):
    messages = []    M = imaplib.IMAP4('imap.next.mail.yahoo.com')
    M.login(imapUser, imapPassword)    M.select()    typ, data = M.search(None, 'ALL')    for num in data[0].split():        typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')        messages.append('Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1]))    M.close()    M.logout()    return '<delimiter>'.join(messages)
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