[Python.NET] Loading custom Assembly with Assembly.Load

Brian Lloyd brian.lloyd at revolutionhealth.com
Mon Oct 29 18:59:50 CET 2007

make sure that the directory of your assembly is in the pythonpath:

import sys


On 10/29/07 1:52 PM, "newbie73" <luis.cota at avmltd.com> wrote:

> I have attempted to load a custom .NET Assembly like this:
> Assembly.LoadWithPartialName("MyAssembly")
> This call executes without errors.  However, when attempting to load the
> namespace, nothing appears to work.
> from clr import MyNameSpace
> Always returns an error:
> ImportError: cannot import name MyNameSpace
> Any ideas what could be wrong?  I am using .NET 2.0 and Python 2.5.
> Thanks...
> - Luis

Brian Lloyd

brian.lloyd at revolutionhealth.com

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