[Python.NET] Where does the clr in IronPython look the dll

Craig Farrow craig_farrow at sil.org
Fri Dec 12 09:49:00 CET 2008

The dll needs to be on the Python path (sys.path). You can either add to
the path with sys.path.append("c:\....") or put your dll in a folder in
the Python site-packages directory and add a .pth file (for Python.NET, 
but not IronPython
  -- it doesn't recognise the .pth files).



3/12/2008 9:20 p.m. dï, navneet khanna wrote:
> Hello Everybody
> I am trying to import dll with clr.AddReference("TCdll")
> I am getting the following error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#26>", line 1, in <module>
>     clr.AddReference("TCdll")
> FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly 'TCdll'.
>    at Python.Runtime.CLRModule.AddReference(String name)
> I have loaded the dll in system32 folder. Have I loaded the dll at the 
> right place or do I need to place it anywhere else?
> Waiting for your replies.
> Regards
> Navneet
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