[Python.NET] questions from a new PythonNet user
Hamilton Link
helink at sandia.gov
Sat Nov 15 02:38:55 CET 2008
Hi there, I've just started working with PythonNet and I have a few
questions about getting it built and running. Any help would be
appreciated, here is my current situation and questions. Sorry for the
long email but I figured details can only help you help me.
I would like to be able to download and build PythonNet from scratch on
Windows XP (32-bit) and on Ubuntu. If I have to build the .net
assemblies on XP for use in Ubuntu that's fine. On Ubuntu I have python
2.5.2, gcc 4.3.2, and mono 1.9.1. I have the python dev and mono dev
things installed as well, and my /etc/mono/config file is populated with
the extra bits from the pythonnet distribution. On Windows I have
Visual Studio Pro 2008 and python 2.5.2. On both platforms I have the
latest (r100) from svn, and on Ubuntu I also have the
pythonnet-2.0-alpha2 distribution.
On Ubuntu once I put the svn-retrieved setup.py I was able to rebuild
the pythonnet-2.0-alpha2 version of clr.so to be a 64-bit library; once
I had done this and set my GAC I was able to use "mono python.exe" (or
simply python.exe) and make a .net System.Drawing.Point object and get
its field values. Yay... except that starting python and doing "import
clr" made a heroic effort and then died. I'm using python2.5-UCS4
because in python, "len(u'\U00010800')" returns 1, is that correct?
Anyway, the error text is attached. I can't get very far building the
.net components checked out from svn because from what I can tell ilasm2
doesn't like some of the #define and #include and etc. in the code. Is
it possible to build everything with Mono or no?
On Windows I can build everything with no errors or warnings under VS
Pro. Pity mostly I want to use it under unix. I believe the assemblies
should work but there's this nasty little bit of .il that ends up 32- or
64-bit specific. So I need to know how to target 64-bit from a 32-bit
host and I'm not entirely sure what to configure in this case. I can
see how to configure for different python versions and UCS2/4, so that's
not a problem. If I can get guidance on targeting 32- or 64- by
inclusion of the proper .il file, I think I can build all the different
versions I need of the .net stuff and then I just need to be able to
build (or possibly just invoke) a working built version of clr.so over
on the unix side.
I suppose the first question is,
Why are there no apparent build instructions in the distribution?
It seems that there are more than half a dozen build configurations
(python 2.3, 4, 5, and 6, plus UCS2/4 distinctions for 5 and 6, plus
clr.so/.dll being built for a 32- or 64-bit system) and a couple of
possible build environments (VS or Mono+make), so breaking this all down
for first timers would really, really be appreciated. If I've just
missed them, I apologize, but the only thing I've been able to find so
far is
which are _great_ but they are at an unaffiliated web site, are only
Visual Studio instructions, and don't cover targeting 32/64 bit. I
should also mention that if there really aren't official build
instructions I will happily write some up (cribbing somewhat from Mr.
Feihong Hsu if he agrees) as soon as I have a clear understanding of the
process and can do it successfully, and I'll stick that into svn if I
can or post it to the mailing list for a dev to add if I can't.
How actively maintained is PythonNet at the moment?
It looks like since the project was made to work patches have become
infrequent, which I will take to mean that things work reasonably well.
But this putative .net SP1 patch (
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythondotnet/2008-January/000771.html )
was not apparently folded into SVN, was there a reason for this?
The distribution at
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162464 is missing
setup.py, is this an oversight (I notice it is in the svn distribution)?
Finally, is there active development towards a 2.0 final, or has the
project hit a bit of a plateau with 2.0 alpha2?
Thank you very much for your time,
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