[Python.NET] Scripting with a managed object using python.net engine

Fedry Kemilau fedry.kemilau at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 10:01:25 CEST 2009

Dear all,

Currently, I am facing an issue to do scripting with a managed object in
python engine.
I managed to import the module and set an attribute value to the managed

The issue is in the next step where I am trying to use the module in a
statement/expression via PythonEngine.RunString or RunSimpleString method.
As far as I know:

   - RunString() is not working because it always return null value. I tried
   running a simple expression, e.g., "1 + 1", and it returned null value. I
   believe the fix
here<http://osdir.com/ml/python.dotnet/2007-03/msg00009.html> could
   solve this bug (if it really is...)
   - RunSimpleString() executes expression from the __main__ module
   implicitly. I have not found any possible way yet to include the module I've
   imported in the beginning into __main__ module.


I made a little modification on the code by creating a new class that
represents the Python Module object.
This is how I use the modification in my code.

>             PythonEngine.Initialize();

            // create __main__ and my own module

            PyModule __main__ = new
> PyModule(PythonEngine.ImportModule("__main__"));

            PyModule birdwrapper = new
> PyModule(PythonEngine.ImportModule("birdwrapper"));

>             // set the value of the attribute to a managed object

            birdwrapper.SetAttr("pet", PyObject.FromManagedObject(new
> Eagle("Foo")));

>             // include my own module in the __main__ module

            __main__.AddObject("birdwrapper", birdwrapper);

>             // run the script from this method because it is called from
> the __main__ module


>             PythonEngine.Shutdown();

 ++ in runtime.cs:

>         internal static bool PyModule_Check(IntPtr ob)


                return PyObject_TYPE(ob) == Runtime.PyModuleType;


        [DllImport(Runtime.dll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl,

          ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

          internal unsafe static extern int

          PyModule_AddObject(IntPtr module, string name, IntPtr value);


>     public class PyModule : PyObject


>         public PyModule(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { }

>         public PyModule(PyObject o) : base()


            if (!IsModuleType(o))


                throw new ArgumentException("object is not a module");



            obj = o.obj;


>         public PyModule(string name) : base()


            obj = Runtime.PyModule_New(name);

            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero)


                throw new PythonException();



>         public static bool IsModuleType(PyObject value)


            return Runtime.PyModule_Check(value.obj);


>         public void AddObject(string name, PyObject value)


            int op = Runtime.PyModule_AddObject(obj, name, value.obj);

            if (op != 0)

                throw new PythonException();


>     }

I hope the code could illustrate what I am basically trying to achieve with
I wonder if there is a possible way to do this without modifying the code.

Could anyone please advise?

Best regards,
Fedry Kemilau
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