[Python.NET] PyTables working with python not working with python.net
barton at bcdesignswell.com
Sat Apr 2 11:46:03 CEST 2011
Being a novice embedder (especially back when I wrote the pyimport.cs
module in the Python.EmbeddingTest project), I chose to do things a
little differently:
At the time, I felt like I wanted access to the entire engine.
I still can't decide if calling methods on PyObject is more clumsy than
the object[] arg passing arrangement with strongly typed object or not.
public void SetUp() {
gs = PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
//string here = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
// trunk\pythonnet\src\embed_tests\bin\Debug
* Append the tests directory to sys.path
* using reflection to circumvent the private modifiers placed on
most Runtime methods.
string s = @"..\..\..\tests";
Type RTClass = typeof(Runtime.Runtime);
/* pyStrPtr = PyString_FromString(s); */
MethodInfo PyString_FromString =
RTClass.GetMethod("PyString_FromString", BindingFlags.NonPublic |
object[] funcArgs = new object[1];
funcArgs[0] = s;
IntPtr pyStrPtr = (IntPtr)PyString_FromString.Invoke(null, funcArgs);
/* SysDotPath = sys.path */
MethodInfo PySys_GetObject = RTClass.GetMethod("PySys_GetObject",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
funcArgs[0] = "path";
IntPtr SysDotPath = (IntPtr)PySys_GetObject.Invoke(null, funcArgs);
/* SysDotPath.append(*pyStrPtr) */
MethodInfo PyList_Append = RTClass.GetMethod("PyList_Append",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
funcArgs = new object[2];
funcArgs[0] = SysDotPath;
funcArgs[1] = pyStrPtr;
int r = (int)PyList_Append.Invoke(null, funcArgs);
public void TearDown()
public void TestDottedName() {
PyObject module;
module = PythonEngine.ImportModule("PyImportTest.test.one");
Assert.IsNotNull(module, ">>> import PyImportTest.test.one #
Personally, I don't see the benefit of marking most of the Runtime as
On 03/25/2011 01:14 PM, Guillaume Pichard wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use pytables with python.net <http://python.net>. It is
> working great with python alone. What I am doing with python.net
> <http://python.net> is:
> PythonEngine.Initialize();
> PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
> PyObject sys = PythonEngine.ImportModule("sys");
> PyObject path = sys.GetAttr("path");
> PyObject append = path.GetAttr("append");
> PyObject[] a = new PyObject[1];
> a[0] = new PyString("C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages");
> append.Invoke(a);
> PyObject pyTables = PythonEngine.ImportModule("tables");
> if (pyTables == null)
> throw new PythonException();
> The exception message is "ImportError : DLL load failed: Specified
> module not found."
> What could be the differences between python.net <http://python.net> and
> python ? Is there any specific path to add ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Guillaume.
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