[Python.NET] Several patches to improve compilation with Mono

Barton barton at bcdesignswell.com
Mon Aug 29 07:44:21 CEST 2011

So if git is producing your udiff files, does that mean that you are 
actually pulling from the clone that's on github?

That would explain why you didn't have the python2.7 mapping, anyway.

I (sort or) like the clrmodule_make.il input file name, but what to do 
for Windows folks?

I also like the DESTDIR parameter for the install target - and will 
commit that.
Thanks again.

On 05/04/2011 06:24 AM, Philip Lorenz wrote:
> Hi,
> after trying to compile Python for .NET on ArchLinux x86_64 I have run
> into several issues which the attached patches fix:
> 1. Enable Mono config file loading. Otherwise a Python build with UCS4
> Unicode strings does not work as the Mono.Posix module cannot find
> msvcrt (which is mapped to libc in Mono's config files).
> 2. Python.Runtime.dll.config is missing mappings for Python 2.7
> 3. The architecture detection code in the Makefile did not work
> correctly (checking for the 86 substring is true for both x86 as well as
> x86_64 targets).
> 4. I have renamed the clrmodule.il target in the Makefile to
> clrmodule_make.il. Otherwise a fresh SVN checkout would not build as
> clrmodule.il is already included.
> 5. Adapt the clrmod Makefile to support Mono 2.8 pkgconfig change.
> Additionally, retrieve Glib 2 options from its pkgconfig and compile
> the x86_64 build with -fPIC.
> 6. Support the standard DESTDIR parameter for the install target.
> Additionally, install Python.Runtime.dll and Python.Runtime.dll.config
> to the site-packages folder so it is found by the clr module.
> If you have any comments or if there are any issues with these patches
> please let me know.
> Philip
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