[Python.NET] Better doc strings.

Barton barton at bcdesignswell.com
Wed Mar 30 09:10:08 CEST 2011

1) That's a very interesting proposition... Currently, the python 
wrapper seems to overwrite any public attributes named __doc__. I'd 
suggest a change that only writes that attr on the wrapped object if it 
doesn't already exist in order for C# classes to get __doc__ strings in 
the sort term.
[PythonDocAttribute] seems like the best answer for the long term.

2) The PythonDotNet Archives 
(http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythondotnet/) gives an OK overview 
when you click on the [Subject] for each month.

On 03/28/2011 10:44 AM, Brad Byrd wrote:
> I'm trying to provide better documentation for some C# classes that are called from Python.  Ideally, I'd like to markup my class in C#, either with the standard XML comments or with something like a [PythonDocAttribute], and have this documentation show up as the __doc__ string for the method or class in Python.  That way, the clients of my wrapped objects will see nice tool-tips on my classes as they code away in their IDE.
> So, is this easily done?  Has anyone else crossed this bridge before?  Does something already exist that would work before I start hacking on the Python.NET source?
> (Also, are the archives of the list searchable somewhere?  I just saw clickable-by-month archives, not searchable.)
> Thanks,
> Brad...
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