[Python.NET] compiling for .NET CLR4, Python 2.7

John Burkhart jfburkhart.reg at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 13:19:29 CET 2012


I'm new to .NET and just trying to make available a few .NET dll files for
an application I would *like* to build in CPython. I'm trying to use
pythonnet for the task as I would prefer not to use IronPython. I have
Python 2.7 installed on a 64bit Windows 7 PC.

I have managed to get the latest svn version, confirmed required changes
according to:

were made. Though, it seemed most were no longer necessary in the latest
SVN version.

I also changed the Conditional Compilation symbols to: PYTHON27,UCS2 under
the Python.Runtime, Properties->Build tab.

I rebuilt the entire solution, and all compiled with no errors.

However, I get the following when I try to run Python.exe:

PS G:\svn\Python\pythonnet\trunk\pythonnet\src\console\bin\Debug>
ImportError: No module named site
PS G:\svn\Python\pythonnet\trunk\pythonnet\src\console\bin\Debug>

Does anyone have experience building pythonnet for Python 2.7 and .NET 4?

Thank you in advance,
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