[Python.NET] how to load and execute py file which consumes a thrid part C-based python extension in C# code
brad at fie.us
brad at fie.us
Thu Mar 28 22:49:01 CET 2013
Sorry. One more.
When my code then executes those callbacks, back into Python, it does so this way:
System.Console.WriteLine("Getting Projects");
List<libcontextutilsclient.ProjectContextSettings> ret = new List<libcontextutilsclient.ProjectContextSettings>(); //the things I expect python to give me back
System.Console.WriteLine("Getting lock");
IntPtr p = this.Pedestal.GetPythonLock();
System.Console.WriteLine("Got Lock");
if (this.ProjectsRequested != null)
foreach (libcontextutils.GetProjectSettingsDelegate del in this.ProjectsRequested.GetInvocationList()) //looping through callbacks on delegate
System.Console.WriteLine("Calling Project Delegate");
ret.AddRange(del(projectsType, this)); //doing the callback, which is a python callback in truth.
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No delegates registered to ProjectsRequested Event.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Releasing lock");
System.Console.WriteLine("Released Lock");
return ret;
On Mar 28, 2013, at 5:34 PM, "brad at fie.us" <brad at fie.us> wrote:
> In my code I'm running:
> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize();
> I also have these defined:
> public void AddPythonPath(string path)
> {
> CheckInitPython();
> IntPtr l = Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.RunSimpleString("import sys");
> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.RunSimpleString("sys.path.append(\"" + path.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\")");
> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.ReleaseLock(l);
> }
> public Python.Runtime.PyObject ImportModule(string name)
> {
> CheckInitPython();
> IntPtr l = Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
> Python.Runtime.PyObject module = Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.ImportModule(name);
> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.ReleaseLock(l);
> if (module == null)
> {
> throw new libscclient.PythonModuleNotCreatedException(name);
> }
> return module;
> }
> And when my code loads a "plugin" python module, it runs this:
> string pythonVersionBasePath = GetPythonCodeBaseVersionPath(); //my dynamic plugin code.
> string scriptName = GetPythonScriptName(); //also my dynamic plugin code.
> System.Console.WriteLine("importing module");
> Pedestal.AddPythonPath(pythonVersionBasePath); //calling code above
> Python.Runtime.PyObject module = Pedestal.ImportModule(scriptName.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2)[0]); //calling code above
> System.Console.WriteLine("module imported");
> IntPtr l = Pedestal.GetPythonLock();
> module.InvokeMethod(GetPythonInitMethodName(), new Python.Runtime.PyObject[] { Python.Runtime.PyObject.FromManagedObject(this) }); //calling a method by name. the name comes from my dynamic plugin code.
> module.Dispose(); //I'm done with the module so I toss it. my code here registers callbacks.
> Pedestal.ReleasePythonLock(l);
> On Mar 28, 2013, at 2:09 PM, "lizy10b" <lizy10b at 126.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, Bradley.
>> I found a simple sample code on the maillist. Now I could load and execute a pure python function in a py file in C#.
>> And a new problem is that the PythonEngine.ImportModule("modulename") method always return NULL in my case. The modulename.py comsumes a third part ctypes wrapped library (the Rtree 0.7 python library). It seems the PythonEngine can not find it, but actually it has been installed to the default path (C:\Python262\Lib\site-packages\rtree) , and the modulename.py file runs smoothly under python command line.
>> I worte a new py file which only contains a function returning the sys.path, and load it in C#, the sys.path seems OK.
>> So I don't know what's wrong....
>> Thanks.
>> Zhiyu Li
>> 2013-03-29
>> lizy10b
>> 发件人: Bradley Friedman
>> 发送时间: 2013-03-28 22:15:18
>> 收件人: lizy10b
>> 抄送: pythondotnet
>> 主题: Re: [Python.NET] how to load and execute py file which consumes a thrid part C-based python extension in C# code
>> What you are looking to do is "embed" a python interpreter in your .net project, using pythonnet, and then tell the runtime to execute your python script.
>> I have done this in one of my projects. It does work.
>> http://pythonnet.sourceforge.net/readme.html#embedding
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 28, 2013, at 8:31 AM, "lizy10b" <lizy10b at 126.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am a freshman and new to python.net.
>>> I have a *.py script which calls a third part python library, and the library is a ctypes python wrapper of a C++ dll (or say C-based python extension?).
>>> Frist I tried to make it using IronPython. IronPython works well when I load a pure python *.py (no third part libraries) file and execute it in C# code.
>>> But it failed when I load a *.py which comsumes a thrid part ctypes python wrapper library mentioned above.
>>> Then I turn to python.net. But I don't know how to load and execute *.py in C# code using python.net.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Zhiyu Li
>>> Student
>>> China
>>> 2013-03-28
>>> lizy10b
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