[Python.NET] Python for .NET working group meeting for October 22, 2019

Mark Visser markv at unity3d.com
Fri Oct 18 11:53:43 EDT 2019

Hi pythonnet members,

The next working group call will be held at 3pm EST on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. You can join here: https://unity3d.zoom.us/j/346931511 <https://unity3d.zoom.us/j/346931511>

The agenda is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rJVU84B_dgx58-_EopjRtOJVFAI2WfHJYV0n7uE1Oak <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rJVU84B_dgx58-_EopjRtOJVFAI2WfHJYV0n7uE1Oak>

Please feel free to add items directly to the document or in reply to this e-mail.


Mark Visser
Tooling Dev Manager
Unity Technologies - www.unity3d.com <http://www.unity3d.com/>

> On Sep 24, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Mark Visser <markv at unity3d.com> wrote:
> Attendees: Mark Visser (Unity), Benoit Hudson & Felix Bourbonnais (ImgSpc), Victor Milovanov, Mohamed Koubaa (ANSYS Inc), Amos Li
> Agenda
> 1. (Mark) Suggest we use a "needs discussion" label on issues and PRs for next time. Then we can just go through them on the call.
> 2. (Mark) Can we get a status update on joining the .NET Foundation? Github issue: Joining the .NET Foundation <https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/issues/956>
> 3. (Benoit) Python can't reliably re-initialize; new proposal for Unity's domain reload <https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/issues/957>
> 4. (Benoit) What's the policy with the GIL? Main thread appears to be grabbing the lock and not releasing it.
> 5. (Mohamed) Can I get clarification on IWrapper vs. reflection for PR #808?
> Notes
> Welcome to new contributor Mohamed Koubaa (ANSYS), who is investigating moving his company's platform from IronPython to CPython.
> 1 & 2) need input from Benedikt, Mark will follow up with Benedikt.
> 4) 
> Benoit: GIL - Should we expect the GIL to be held after initialization? 
> Victor: I wouldn't expect it to be held. [PyGIL] attribute is informational.
> 3)
> Benoit: Python can't reliably re-initialize.
> last fall's work - force PyFinalize to be called
> unfortunately doesn't work for native extensions - can't reliably reinitialize 
> proposal
> instead of calling PyFinalize, delete all links from Python to C#
> Felix prototyped a solution that tracks all links during proxy generation and cuts all links during domain shutdown to prevent dereference of dead pointers
> result is just AttributeError instead of crash
> Amos proposed a different solution which seems to be targeting memory leaks
> Victor: what about memory leaks?
> C# side deletes all of its memory
> If C# holds a reference to Python, it will still exist when C# shuts down - no problem
> Amos: has a branch that solves one of the problems
> Benoit & Felix will investigate his branch and see where it intersects with their solution
> the reason we're using pythonnet is to enable PySide/PyQt and numpy among others
> 5) Mohamed: Working on a small change to implement the wrapper function for console output via __repr__ https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/pull/808 <https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/pull/808>
> inheritance over reflection, IWrapper vs. method with a signature Pythonnet can reflect
> what are the pros and cons? should we go with a convention?
> Victor: you can take the reflection approach, but need to cache the delegates
> more of an implementation detail, not actually necessary
> (note: any errors in the above are mine, feel free to correct any gross misrepresentations I've inadvertently made!)
> Action Items
> Mark
> follow up with Benedikt about Python foundation and using issues to track discussion items
> Benoit & Felix
> investigate why GIL is held indefinitely
> test out Amos's branch and connect over gitter to discuss what parts of the problem each approach is solving
> Thank you all for attending! The next call will be held at 3pm EST on Tuesday, October 8th, 2019, see you then. Please e-mail me if you're not on the attendee list and I will add you.
> Mark Visser
> Tooling Dev Manager
> Unity Technologies - www.unity3d.com <http://www.unity3d.com/>

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