[Python.NET] Working group notes for Feb 13, 2020

Mark Visser markv at unity3d.com
Thu Feb 20 11:59:18 EST 2020

Attendees: Victor, Benoit, Amos, Mohammed

Review action items from last meeting:
Benoit will write github issue documenting GIL best practices when running multithreaded code and possible solutions [in progress, wiki page + tests]
Benedikt will look into splitting up CLR loader into multiple work items to speed up .NET Core support
Victor will address comments on codec PR - ready to check in
Victor - will work on breaking up Quantconnect PR 
Mohamed will rebase #974 on top of Victor's codec PR
? - github actions
Victor will send Benoit & Felix build that failed on Linux 3.7
Benoit will continue working on PR #1016
Amos is having connection issues and will send an update email to the mailing list

Create NuGet organization and transfer package ownership for NuGet package <https://www.nuget.org/packages/pythonnet/>
Benoit will work on wiki page + tests for GIL
Quantconnect PR
Converter-related stuff depends on codecs repository
Performance in separate PR
Mohamed will rebase #974 - handle generic parameters on action type, needs repo for codecs
Victor made repo <https://github.com/losttech/PackagedTensorFlow> + NuGet <https://www.nuget.org/packages/LostTech.TensorFlow.Python> with packaged Python
Action Items
Benoit to finish wiki page for threading
Victor will talk to Benedikt regarding creating a lib/separate repo for codecs
Quantconnect PR - Victor to ensure Amos commits are mirrored in master
Amos should take over PR #1016
Victor will try to review #958 instead
See if Benedikt needs better time or we can make decisions while he’s off
Unity is settled on 2.4.0, and might reduce presence
The meeting notes google doc is here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rJVU84B_dgx58-_EopjRtOJVFAI2WfHJYV0n7uE1Oak/edit#>. Feel free to correct or add additional information.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 27th at 12pm EST, 9am PST, 6pm CET, 1am China. 

Mark Visser
Tooling Dev Manager
Unity Technologies - www.unity3d.com <http://www.unity3d.com/>

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