[PYTHONMAC-SIG] Printing from Python?

Joseph Strout jstrout@ucsd.edu
Thu, 29 Feb 1996 09:49:00 -0800 (PST)

Again, I'm new here, so I could be totally wrong, but didn't I see 
something about sending AppleScript commands from Python?  If so, then 
you can just write to a textfile with type 'TEXT' and creator 'R*ch' (for 
BBEdit) or 'TTXT' (for TeachText), then tell the Finder to print it (if 
you have Scriptable Finder, i.e. System 7.5).  Or, more laboriously, tell 
BBEdit (or even the Scriptable Text Editor) to open it, print it, and 
quit.  Hmm, does seem to be a bit of a pain though, doesn't it?

|    Joseph J. Strout           Department of Neuroscience, UCSD   |
|    jstrout@ucsd.edu           http://www-acs.ucsd.edu/~jstrout/  |

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