[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: trouble building 1.5.1 with Cw3

Steve Spicklemire steve@estel.uindy.edu
Mon, 25 May 1998 21:25:20 -0500 (EST)

OK... so now I'm building away with CW3! I simply didn't realize that
I needed to *replace* sources in the GUSI distribution I somehow
thought that the new sources would just get used by the linker
automatically (sort of like GUSI functions get used rather than MSL
functions). Anyway..  now I'm on to the next problem. I'm building a
plugin for Macromedia Director that allows you to mix Lingo/Python
within Director 6. They have a pretty good cross platform API and I
had little trouble getting the Win32 version to work (after I sorted
out a few details that I won't bore you with!). Now to the Mac version
of my PlugIn. I can't seem to get off the ground. I can build it, but
it dies early in the initialization process. I've made my own


function the idea of which is to do as little diddling as is
absolutely required to get GUSI set up and the basic modules
initialized. I think there must be some other setting that are really
screwing things up. I've got the initialization process running in the
debugger and the truly odd thing is that the builtins get set up
OK.. but then when the module dictionary get passed back up to the
init code it's zero. I really don't get it! I know in the olden days
you could set the size of an 'int' and so on... I don't see any such
settings in CW3. Any thoughts or moral support would be appreciated.
