[Pythonmac-SIG] Re:RE: editor for python on the mac

Christopher Barker cbarker@jps.net
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:59:01 -0700


Thanks for the helpfull replies. I've got python mode for Alpha, thanks
Rob Managan (thanks Rob). I still don't have it doing indenting like I'd
like, but I'll play with it and see if I can get it to do it.

Just: One more vote for colorization in the IDE. Imperfect Colorization
is fine. I don't use multiline strings that often anyway. Also, can the
IDE be set to use apaces instead of tabs for indenting? That would make
it compatable with Emacs mode. 

While I'm on Emacs python mode: Can I set it to use tabs instead of
spaces? I really don't care, as long as it's consistent. Frankly, I kind
of wish Python only allowed one or the other, then we wouldn't have this

Joe strout suggested that I use a converter when I go back and forth,
which would certainly work, but really would be too much of a pain. I
want to be able to put a script on my Linux box Appletalk server that
others can put on their Mac and run and edit without a lot of hassle.

Thanks for everyone's input.


Christopher Barker,
cbarker@jps.net                      ---           ---           ---
http://www.jps.net/cbarker          -----@@       -----@@       -----@@
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