[Pythonmac-SIG] More appleevents

Erik van Blokland erik@letterror.com
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 12:32:39 +0100


I'm trying to create the python equivalent of the following applescript 

tell application "Finder" of machine "Monster"
     -- or anything else
end tell

This creates an AE object that claims to be application 'Finder' of 
machines 'Monsta':
remoteapp = AppleScript_Suite.application("Finder", 

But how do I get to 'tell' anything? Any object that's related to 
aetools.TalkTo needs a 4 character signature i.e. "MACS" for the Finder. 
But there's no no signature for a remote application? TalkTo won't accept 
the remoteapp object.

Aside: my AECapture script doesn't work for this: the AECapture control 
panel says the target of the above applescript is "". I'm guessing the 
events too new and it can't parse them or something.

I know there are alternative python ways to talk to other machines 
directly using sockets, but this is not what I want.

Erik van Blokland