[Pythonmac-SIG] [OSX] More AppKit puzzles and progress [was: "All I want..."]

Steven D. Majewski sdm7g@minsky.med.virginia.edu
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:29:35 -0500 (EST)

Some success with AppKit finally!

In a thread on macosx-dev, Frederick Stark ansered a question from
someone trying to bring up a window procedurally, without IB or Nibs:

| Displaying a window mean drawing its content. This bear no relation
| on wether the window is visible or not. You need to have a:
| [w makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]

In the example code that I based my python AppKit test on, it called
 [win makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]

Bill: This was the line that prompted my question about nil <-> None.

If I try
I got
 kCGSErrorNoneAvailable : CGSOrderFrontConditionally: Process not found.

The docs on this stuff is pretty rough sledding: there is nothing
in the reference manual to indicate the connection of that message
with window visibility and the arg is supposed to be:  (id) sender.

It wasn't clear what valid values for sender might be. I tried using
the App returned from NSApplication.sharedApplication(), but that
produced the same error.

I tried some of the other related methods listed under makeKeyAndOrder...
win.setLevel(3) didn't do anything on it's own, but I finally found
win.orderFrontRegardless(), which didn't require an argument, and
made the window pop up.

If I can put together at least one documented example that puts up
a window and does something functional with it, I think I'll feel
ready to release an alpha or something for folks to use.

---|  Steven D. Majewski   (804-982-0831)  <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU>  |---
---|  Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics  |---
---|  University of Virginia             Health Sciences Center  |---
---|  P.O. Box 10011            Charlottesville, VA  22906-0011  |---
		"All operating systems want to be unix,
		 All programming languages want to be lisp."