[Pythonmac-SIG] 2.0 final works for me (followup)

Larry Meyn lmeyn@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:43:29 -0700

Russell wrote:

>>Also, in 2.0 final I can again put aliases to folders of Python code in with Python and the code is found. (This didn't seem to work with one of the pre-releases, though perhaps I was doing something wrong). That's great.
>Unfortunately, I was wrong about this. I used to put my own common code into a folder, stick an alias to that folder into Python's root folder, and set the path via EditPythonPrefs accordingly. Now that doesn't work. Replacing the alias with the folder of actual code does work. Not a big deal, but mysterious.
>-- Russell

the inability to use a folder aliases has been a problem for every version after 1.5.2c1.  I mentioned it awhile back, but no seemed to understand why.

Larry Meyn
Aerospace Operations Modeling Office

M/S 210-10                         Phone:  (650) 604-5038
NASA Ames Research Center          FAX:    (650) 604-0222
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000       email:  lmeyn@mail.arc.nasa.gov