[Pythonmac-SIG] Python twice on Apple's website

Dinu Gherman gherman@darwin.in-berlin.de
Wed, 05 Dec 2001 10:21:31 +0100 (CET)


I see pointers to Python appearing on Apple's OS X downloads


These are the two entries:

1 MacPython 2.1.1. (Jack Jansen, 1.1 MB)
  MacPython is the port of Guido van Rossum's Python high-level 
  object-oriented language, including an IDE and access to native 

    MacPython is the port of Guido van Rossum's Python high-level 
    object-oriented language to the Mac. Python is freely distri-
    butable and available in source form too. Aside from the nu-
    merous extension modules available on most platforms (include 
    the Tk windowing toolkit, sockets and many others) MacPython 
    has a number of extension modules specifically for Mac OS. 
    MacPython programmers have access to QuickDraw, QuickTime, 
    the Sound manager and various third party toolkits like In-
    ternet Config and Waste, to name but a few.

    Also included is an integrated development environment by Just 
    van Rossum, which includes an editor, debugger and class brow-
    ser all closely integrated.

    The full distributions below contain examples and some docu-
    mentation on Mac-specific aspects of using Python. Documenta-
    tion on the language and the standard library can be obtained 
    at the Python website. 

2 Python 2.1 2.1 (Tony Lownds, 5.9 MB)
  A straight port of the Python programming language.

    Python 2.1 pre-compiled for Mac OS X. This version features:
    - readline
    - expat XML parser
    - Python Imaging Library 1.1.2
    - zlib

Being not quite sure if someone helped Apple to enlist them
I wonder if it is a good idea at all to have multiple Python
entries there and if so, if they could be described in such
a way as to make very clear what the difference between them
really is? Especially Tcl/Tk is an (absent) issue. 

Would it be possible to unite the two entries under the same
(web) hood (or cross-link them if they aren't already) and 
offer two (identical) packages for download, one compiled 
and one not? My feeling is that this would reduce the poten-
tial for confusion, at least when looking to this particular
Apple page...


Dinu C. Gherman
"They made a desert and called it peace." (Tacitus)