[Pythonmac-SIG] Newbie asks : Current state of play for Python on Mac OS X 10.1?

Jack Jansen jack@oratrix.nl
Wed, 05 Dec 2001 11:17:41 +0100

> 1.  Python Cocoa integration
> 	a) is it worthwhile?
> 	b) how different is this from traditional  development?
> 	c) would it be a mammoth effort?
> 	d) can interface builder be used for Python GUI app's?

Steve? Are you still with us? Status, please?

> 2. Native TKinter
> 	a) with aqua?
> 	b) is it possible to allow full compatibility with existing apps.?

Tony? Are you still with us? Status, please?

> 3.  Building Python from source with Project Builder
> 	a) can it be done?


> 	b) should it be done?

Probably not. The Makefiles are fine, and the whole autoconfig process and 
such runs really well and is not easily adapted to Project Builder. What might 
be an option is to build Python.app (which is currently a difficult manual 
build in mac/OSX) with Project Builder. But again I'm not sure that there 
would be a lot of benefits.

> 4.  Integrated development
> 	a) IDLE things to know?
> 	b) Python IDE things to know?

Just answered these already.

> "We were the first that ever burst into that silent sea."
> -Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"O land van mest en mist, van vuile koude regen,
doorsijpeld stukje grond, vol kille kou en damp"
- de Genestet
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
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