[Pythonmac-SIG] EMBEDDED MacPython (Carbon) + OSX - should this work?

Jack Jansen jack@oratrix.nl
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 23:07:22 +0100

Recently, Paul Miller <paul@fxtech.com> said:
> >It depends (doesn't it always:-). If your app (or shared library) is
> >CFM-based then MacPython is the best choice, but if it is Mach-O based
> >then unix-Python is better.
> Okay, you will have to forgive my ignorance - I'm new to OSX and not much 
> of a "Mac guy" in the first place. What is CFM? If this means that the host 
> app is OS9/OSX compliant (ie. Carbonized and OSX compatible), then yes.

Yep, that's CFM. OSX has two executable formats, CFM (which is
OS9-compatible) and Mach-O (which is the native OSX format).

> I was able to run in CodeWarrior, and the crash seems to happen when my 
> shared lib (which is really a plug-in into an OSX-compatible app) is 
> dynamically loaded. At least, the crash stack seems to be down in some dl cod
> e.

Hmm... If you can compile your plugin with debugging enabled and get a
stacktrace with symbols that would probably help. I think the choices
are now narrowed down to
- There's something wrong with your init code
- The CFM loader somehow can't find PythonCoreCarbon
- The PythonCoreCarbon init code has a problem when loaded in your
  plugin on OSX.
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
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