[Pythonmac-SIG] Please test the 2.2 installer

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Sat, 22 Dec 2001 13:19:52 -0500

At 2:21 PM +0100 12/22/01, Stefan Witzgall wrote:
>When I gave the line
>    import test.regrtest ; test.regrtest.main()
>to the interpreter it did the following tests, then stalled (I waited about
>half an hour):
>A ctrl-cmd-esd raise the usual dialog, where I did confirm and, surprise,
>was back at the interpreter.
>That are my experiences with MacPyzhon 2.2.

When I was playing with the c1 version, I ran into the same problem 
but wound up with a nasty system hang. I got past this by bumping 
memory up to 60 megs.

With the final version of 2.2 running under 8.6, I got thru all of 
the tests in about 1.5 hrs by setting the interpreter's memory at 100 
megs. Four tests failed:
     test_email test_frozen test_socket test_time

I did have a problem of sorts with the installer - it thought it 
should use Carbon instead of Classic for some reason tho I've never 
run into this problem with previous versions, so I had to reconfigure 
manually. It also seems to me that the IDE is much slower about 
loading up but it does manage to do so.

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development