[Pythonmac-SIG] [OT] Python & MySQL Interaction

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Fri, 6 Jul 2001 18:39:38 -0400

Since I've never even seen a binary of MySQLdb for the Mac and I am 
using linux for web stuff anyway, this is off topic but I thought you 
might be interested in a searchable version of "The Devil's 
Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce that I published on my website using 
python and MySQL purely for the hell of it.

Apart from providing the opportunity to experience Bierce's peculiar 
brand of dripping sarcasm, I've included a link to the source code at 
the bottom of http://richardgordon.net/new/dictionary.html if you 
should be curious about how this stuff works. I personally have 
little use for MySQL and would much prefer PostgreSQL, but my web 
host has other thoughts on the subject and, in any case, the drill is 
pretty much the same as far as the python interface goes. Enjoy it, 
ignore it, whatever. I welcome any criticisms, but have not bothered 
to bullet-proof this against some fairly obvious web attacks since I 
was disclosing the source anyway, so please don't trash the server 
even if you know how. Thanks.

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development