[Pythonmac-SIG] Installing pygame on MacPython classic

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 01:11:08 -0400

At 9:14 PM -0700 7/13/01, Dethe Elza wrote:
>BTW, is there anywhere that Mac-specific python extensions are being
>archived, so we don't have to keep doing this song and dance?  Not all
>of us keep up to date with CodeWarrior, or want to.

That would be very nice, indeed. I don't have CodeWarrior and don't 
want to have it and have never gotten anywhere trying to do anything 
with MrC in MPW. My efforts to compile stuff in VC++ on windoze 
generally succeed, but with lots of warnings, etc., and I find it 
remarkable that the only environment that I really feel comfortable 
in when wandering down this path is unix/linux given that it should 
be the most inherently hostile of the three.

Anyway, there are lots of things that I have to run on linux or bsd 
because I can't compile them on a Mac- the MySQL and PostgreSQL 
modules come to mind immediately, but I don't think anything can be 
done about that since they require linking into the source for the 
database managers and neither one will run on a conventional Mac, 
ergo no source to link to.

I am still giving OS X another 6-12 months to smooth out before 
messing with it, but have pretty much concluded that the lack of 
Mac-specific extensions is not going to be resolved until I move to 
OS X and, in effect, don't need to worry about them if GCC will run 
and sort things out in a mainstream kind of way. If it won't then, I 
don't know.

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development