[Pythonmac-SIG] Interest In RAD for python?
tom smith
Thu, 08 Mar 2001 09:09:32 +0000
> Mark, I'm sure that there would be lots of interest in a commercial ID
> for Python. Obviously I have ulterior motives for my next question but
> I'll ask it anyway. What are your thoughts on providing support for
> external editors as opposed to relying on a built in source editor.
> Applications such as BBEdit will generally be able to provide a much
> more powerfull editing enviroment than what you'll be able to provide
> internally.
I personally don't use BBEdit except when I have some hairy
search-n-replacing to do. BBEdit doesn't have the debugger macPython
has...and I haven't seen a debugger as good in any of the other IDEs. I
think the debugging aspect of macPython can still be improved on. I hate
that code-run-debug mentality...but that's another (prograph cpx related)
But whilst we're speaking of IDEs...
Has anyone else tried the Black Adder IDE? That's got a Tk Gui builder
that's worth a look. (Win/Linux) Take a look at these screenshots...
Lots of great features, but isn't the design goofy?
I tried Komodo (Win/Linux) and I particularly liked the ability to roll
python files into a "project" that were accessible from tab items. (Even
though the projects themselves got corrupted).
PythonWin (Win) suggests/auto-completes function parameters, even from
different modules.
If you're thinking of developing a mac python IDE, why not extend the mac
pythonIDE? Features I'd love are a "code browser / project "
windoid..."intelligent" code (if I double-command-click a module name I go
there). Expandable /reducible code. A Tk gui builder.
Of course the most important thing an IDE needs is a groovy radical visual
identity and logo. In the 90s MetroWerks CodeWarrior blew Symantec out of
the water with that Black and Yellow design... great T-shirts!