[Pythonmac-SIG] Guide to installing Unix-Python on MacOS X

Bob Savage bobsavage@mac.com
Sat, 19 May 2001 00:13:55 -0700

> I got readline + 2.1 working last night

Tony, that is very cool. Thanks for both the pointers on the process and the
binary! I have some questions though.

First, after you edit the readline bit in Modules/Setup, do you type "make"
again? I did it that way and it seemed to work, but I was wondering if the
first make (see below) was mistakenly added, or if the final make was
supposed to be "make install" (which I did as well). Unfortunately I don't
know how to use "make" so I'm reduced to blindly typing in the commands I'm
told to type like some kind of trained monkey. :|

(For question two jump down to the end)...

> Meanwhile, in Python-2.1
> ./configure --with-dyld --with-suffix=.x
> make
> joe Modules/Setup
> uncomment the readline line, and remove -ltermcap:
> #readline readline.c -lreadline -ltermcap
> readline readline.c -lreadline
> make
> -Tony

Okay, question two: you don't mention running "setup.py install". I did a
little experiment to see what the difference was between different ways of
doing it.

I removed my install, and then installed your binaries and did an "ls -R"
and saved it to "lownds.txt". Then I removed your install, and followed your
instructions and did "ls -R" and saved it to "readline1.txt". Then I did the
extra step of running the "setup.py" and "ls -R" to "readline2.txt". Here
are my results.

The difference between your binary and my install following your directions
is the presence of PIL as you mentioned in your email, but there seems to be
some additional things that "setup.py" gives you:

[localhost:~/install ls] bsavage% diff readline1.txt readline2.txt
> _codecs.so
> _locale.so
> _socket.so
> _symtable.so
> _testcapi.so
> _weakref.so
> array.so
> audioop.so
> binascii.so
> bsddb.so
> cPickle.so
> cStringIO.so
> cmath.so
> crypt.so
> dbm.so
> errno.so
> fcntl.so
> fpectl.so
> grp.so
> imageop.so
> math.so
> md5.so
> mmap.so
> new.so
> nis.so
> operator.so
> parser.so
> pcre.so
> pwd.so
> readline.so
> regex.so
> resource.so
> rgbimg.so
> rotor.so
> select.so
> sha.so
> strop.so
> struct.so
> syslog.so
> termios.so
> time.so
> timing.so
> unicodedata.so
> xreadlines.so

Because this includes cPickle and cStringIO I think these are the compiled C
versions of certain modules that get swapped in for speed when available. So
you might want to install those. Unfortunately I don't think I can install
your binary (to get PIL) and then "setup.py" to get the compiled modules --
I'm spacing the error message at the moment, but I got one.

thanks, again for readline!
