[Pythonmac-SIG] Install problem

Bryce maskedrider@earthlink.net
Sun, 4 Nov 2001 11:15:29 -0700

Thank you Marcelinus. I will take your suggestion and begin again with 
python 2.2.


On Sunday, November 4, 2001, at 10:36 AM, Marcelinus Prastawa wrote:

> FYI, Numeric 20.2.1 is available. It fixes a problem with complex 
> eigenvalues.
> I have no problems building NumPy with Python 2.2 on OS X 10.1. You 
> might want to consider switching to 2.2.
> The compiler/linker complained because some symbols are undefined. I 
> noticed that the compiler uses the flag '-undefined suppress'. This 
> won't work unless you also use the flag '-flat_namespace'. OS X 
> (starting from 10.1?) has two-level vs flat namespace for binaries. I 
> don't really understand dynamic loading / linking under OS X, somebody 
> else could probably give you a better idea.
> Marcel
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It is
lost in the vastness of the Universe, and is consequently afraid of
everything that doesn't happen to fit its own limits."

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