[Pythonmac-SIG] Fixfiletypes via IC (first draft)
Benjamin Schollnick
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:20:39 -0400
This is not the finished version, but it's a start....
This absolutely requires v2.21, due to the IC issues in
v2.2 (& lower?).
First of all, I dislike the -666 issue (if the extension/filetype
is not registered in the Internet Control panel, it dies with a
fatal exception.... unless caught with a try/except).
And second, It blindly tries to change every file, even if it's
already set correctly.
I'm going to change this to use another more similar scheme.
Check the existing mapping vs. IC, and only change if needed.
But this is the first attempt.
If anyone has any suggestions to streamline this, please let me know.
BTW-> Adding the progress bar was rather annoying, any suggestions on
simplifying it, without using GLOBALs? (I dislike globals, and
even this method stinks too much like a global...)
- Benjamin
# Fixfiletypes - Set mac filetypes to something sensible,
# recursively down a directory tree.
# It will only touch extensions it feels pretty sure about.
# This script is useful after copying files from unix.
# Jack Jansen, CWI, 1995.
import os
import ic
import MacOS
import macfs
import sys
import macostools
import string
import EasyDialogs
class GUI_Features :
def __init__(self):
self.max_file_count = 0
self.current_file_count = 0
self.Progress_Bar = None
def set_max_files (self, count ):
self.max_file_count = count
def return_max_files (self):
return self.max_file_count
def increment_file_count (self, increment = 1 ):
self.current_file_count = self.current_file_count + increment
def return_incremental ( self ):
return self.current_file_count
def init_progress_bar ( self, text ):
self.Progress_Bar = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar ( text,
self.max_file_count )
def change_pb_text ( self, text ):
self.Progress_Bar.label ( text )
def refresh_progress_bar (self):
self.Progress_Bar.set ( self.current_file_count,
class tree_file_count:
def __init__ ( self ):
self.file_count = 0
def walktree_count (self, args, dirname, names):
self.file_count = self.file_count + len(names)
def directory_to_count (self, pathname ):
os.path.walk ( pathname, self.walktree_count, None)
def total_files ( self ):
return self.file_count
def reset_to_zero ( self ):
self.file_count = 0
def walktree(name, change, g_app, total, IC):
# Walk file by file through the listings of each sub directory
if os.path.isfile(name) and not os.path.isdir (name):
# Skip .DS_Store files
if name.endswith (".DS_Store"):
# Automatic IC mapper.... (Last touched isn't really needed,
# settypecreator automatically does it)
IC.settypecreator ( name )
fs = macfs.FSSpec(name)
macostools.touched (fs)
except MacOS.Error:
# This file type is not defined in the Internet Control
Panel, skip.
print "%s is not registered in Internet Control Panel" % name
elif os.path.isdir(name):
# print '->', name
files = os.listdir(name)
for f in files:
g_app.increment_file_count ()
g_app.change_pb_text ( "\t%s of %s" % (
g_app.return_incremental (), total.total_files () ) )
g_app.refresh_progress_bar ( )
walktree(os.path.join(name, f), change, g_app, total, IC )
def run( change ):
fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Folder to search:')
if not ok:
GUI = GUI_Features()
total_count = tree_file_count ()
total_count.directory_to_count ( fss.as_pathname() )
Internet_config = ic.IC ()
GUI.init_progress_bar ( "Files to Process" )
GUI.set_max_files ( total_count.total_files() )
walktree(fss.as_pathname(), change, GUI, total_count, Internet_config)
if __name__ == '__main__':