[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Building Embedded Applets & Applications on OS X

Byron Formwalt ByronFormwalt@aaahawk.com
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 22:56:08 -0400

On 8/10/02 6:37 PM, "Byron Formwalt" <ByronFormwalt@aaahawk.com> wrote:

> Can someone please point out how to properly bundle up a python script into a
> *.app form?
> -Byron

Perhaps I should have provided specific info about the way I have python set

I downloaded the Tcl/Tk framework snapshots for OS X from sourceforge and
installed them, first.  Then I used fink to grab and install X11 headers
(needed for _tkinter).  Next, downloaded the latest source files from
sourceforge (Python-2.2.1).  Then I did a command-line configure and install
based on the instructions by Tony Lownds at

Eventually I discovered the scripts for freezing and building
applets/applications.  I manually copied these into the framework
site-packages directory.  Then I executed `python BuildApplication.py
/Users/formwalt/helloworld.py` from the command line.

Here is what happened:

After searching for modules, the following came up missing: {rour12path,
SOCKS, mac, msvcrt, Finder}.  A dialog pops up to offer cancellation and
continuation options.  I clicked <YES> to continue.  Then a dialog pops up,
stating, "Template 'PythonInterpreter' not found on sys.path'.

So, ultimately, I guess what I am missing is this thing called a
PythonInterpreter Template.  Does anyone know anything more about this?
