[Pythonmac-SIG] Warning: incompatible change in 2.3a0

John W Baxter jwblist@olympus.net
Sat, 7 Dec 2002 22:27:51 -0800

At 0:11 +0100 11/29/2002, Jack Jansen wrote:
>To give an
>example, in stead of "port.bounds" you'll have to use
>"port.GetPortBounds()", and in stead of "Carbon.Qd.qd.arrow" you'll
>have to use "Carbon.Qd.GetQDGlobalsArrow()".

If only Apple had figured this out prior to January, 1984.  Sigh!

Let's see...one structure for a color window (when they appeared) instead
of all the pieces there were, etc etc etc.

And then there was squeezing odd bytes into the "unused" high byte of
24-bit addresses...this was Apple's equivalent of W.G.'s "no one will ever
need more than 640K of RAM."

To be fair, the result might well not have fit into the ROM and RAM space
available in the machines released as Original Macs (one of which is about
25 feet behind me and a little to the right, gathering dust).

But Macintosh II was the last point in time when things should have been
fixed (and the MMU should have been standard then, and used...as it was,
IIci was the first machine with MMU used full time  whether VM was on or
not).  Oh, well.


John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA