[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.3 - Carbon only?

Schollnick, Benjamin Benjamin.Schollnick@usa.xerox.com
Fri, 04 Jan 2002 13:32:33 -0500


	I agree....  There are several limitations in the Mac OS 
	(classic) version of Tkinter that bothers me.  Especially,
	since those limits are not in the PC version of Tkinter...

	(Since I write cross platform code, if I have to code
	it slightly differently on the each platform, it causes
	headaches later...)

	But, that being said, we need a GUI.  If going carbonized
	would Hinder, or prevent us from using a Tkinter Gui,
	then what do we develope our GUI's with?

	I don't expect Carbonization to help or hinder our
	use of Tkinter, but if it does (hinder), then we need
	to have a plan in place to solve it... Not just ignore

		- Benjamin

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Savage [mailto:bobsavage@mac.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 12:08 PM
To: pythonmac-sig@python.org
Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.3 - Carbon only?

on 1/4/02 8:58 AM, Francois Granger wrote:
>> Honestly, the Tkinter question is my only hesitation...
>> Tkinter has to be available, since that's the "native"
>> GUI platform for Python.
> And the only still available.
> And I don't see wx available soon for Mac.

<just my opinion>
The Mac has had long-standing problems with TKinter. Personally I don't see
that being resolved without MacOSX. That means hoping that integration with
TKinter will get better under OS 8.x is futile.
</just my opinion>


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