[Pythonmac-SIG] package structure for OSA interfaces

Jacob Kaplan-Moss jacobkm@cats.ucsc.edu
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:15:55 -0800

At 11:01 AM +0000 1/23/02, Michael J. Barber wrote:
>One more thing. There is a comment in gensuitemodule asking about a 
>list of python keywords. Using 'help' from pydoc, they are: ["and", 
>"elif", "global", "or", "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "break", 
>"except", "import", "print", "class", "exec", "in", "raise", 
>"continue", "finally", "is", "return", "def", "for", "lambda", 
>"try", "del", "from", "not", "while"]. Some of them are pretty 
>unlikely as AppleScript verbs, of course!

One more thing along those lines:

Python OSA uses "start" as the function to activate an application, 
but I've come across a few applications which use start themselves as 
a function.  THe StdSuites definition of "start" shaddows the 
application's function in these cases.  How about changing "start" to 
"activate"?  That's what AppleScript calls the same function anyway; 
it seems more clear to me.
