[Fwd: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] OS X import bug?]
Marcel Prastawa
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 22:16:17 -0500
Manoj Plakal wrote:
> Now, I can build and import both foo and
> bar into the same interpreter session without
> problems. Note that I didn't re-build Python,
> just edited the Makefile. Not sure if
> this will have ramifications for other modules ...
It will not affect the modules that you already have. When you build new
modules, you may need to modify the file to fall back to building flat
namespace binary extensions.
> I think I will submit a bug on Sourceforge
> asking that flat namespace be disabled.
This is not really a bug. Some (very useful) modules will not compile as
two-level namespace binaries, at least not without some considerable effort.
It looks like you're porting an app... Be aware that there is an issue
with dynload_next (see Bob Ippolito's messages). I've gotten into some
trouble with identically named binaries (lots of renaming), I've
switched to libdl now (thanks Bob!).